Ostara Celebration and Yoni Eggs

Ostara Celebration and Yoni EggsYoni_Egg_Journeys

2020’s Ostara celebration takes place on Thursday, March 19th.

Ostara, or Eostre or Eastre, is the Germanic goddess of spring and dawn; it is thanks to her that the Egg is a symbol of fertility. (Although the egg has that power cross-culturally; that’s part of why the Yoni Egg came into being, on the other side of the world.)

Bede the monk states that during Eostremonath (the old Anglo-Saxon names for April), Anglo-Saxon pagans held festivals in her honor. (Two hundred years later, in Germany, in his life of Charlemagne, a monk named Einhard gives the old name of April to Ostaramonath.)

The name "Eostre" (ancient "Ostara" Germanic) is linked to that of Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn, and both can be found in a goddess of the proto-Indo-European dawn. Any way you slice it, this is a time for the vibrant sensuality of creation!

It’s a point of perfect balance on the course of the wheel of the year. The night and the day are of equal length and in perfect balance: dark and clear, masculine and feminine, interior and exterior, in balance. But the year begins to grow and at that moment the light overcomes the darkness. The natural world comes alive, the sun gets stronger and the days get longer and warmer. The sweet whispered promise of Imbolc (the festival of the start of Spring, which takes place at the end of Winter) - is realized in the obvious and abundant fertility (in the psychological and emotional senses, not necessarily literal) of the Earth in Ostara. It is time for the hopes of Imbolc to materialize, and you can enact those feelings through connection and reconnection with your Yoni Egg! The energy is expansive and exuberant. It's the first day of spring!

Consider the power of Ostara when you want a Yoni Egg meditation for warmth and growth. Ostara is the first warm spring wind, the returning birds, the trees that bud and curl into leaves and flowers. It is the land of enlightenment, rabbits and hares, eggs that appear after a winter without light. City dwellers may not be aware that chickens kept in natural light stop laying in winter, when the days are short, and start again with the lengthening of the days. March / April is their peak period of the year and these eggs are a valuable and welcome source of protein for our winter hungry ancestors. The legacy of Ostara is made up of all those colorful eggs that many of us still hang on trees every year.

It is the growing light of spring. Purified liquid in the form of dew or the water collected in the streams was flow freely; this is a time to bathe yourself slowly, letting yourself be renewed and refreshed.

Some of the attributes you can infuse your Yoni Egg with for Ostara include:

Being surrounded by flowers or greenery


Being often happy, but also pausing to be solemn and consider the world, like the spring weather that can quickly turn into rain.

The moods of Ostara are capricious, innocent and knowing, in turn.

AFFIRMATION: Hello to the girl of spring, the dawn of the year! Bring freshness into all our lives.


Traditional Ostara foods:

Leafy green vegetables, dairy products, nuts such as pumpkin, sunflower and pine. Dishes of flowers and cabbages.

Herbs and Flowers:

Daffodil, daffodil, woodruff, violet, gorse, olive, peony, iris, narcissus and all spring flowers.


Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type.

Sacred Gemstone:


Special activities:

Plant seeds or create a garden of magic herbs. Take a long walk in nature with no other intention than to think about the magic of nature and its generous spirit.




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